Flow my tears

Inspired by the photo series Glorious Bodies by the Liège photographer Sophie Langohr, Ensemble88 from Maastricht, Mucica from Hasselt, Centre Henri Pousseur from Liège and KL-EX from Eupen present an exciting euregional project in which compositions from the early Baroque are juxtaposed with new compositions with live electronics.
The focus will be on John Dowland’s song Flow my tears from the early 17th century and the premiere of the new edition of this song by the composer Hans Kockelmans for speaking voice and electronics.
The programme will be complemented by the Pavane lacryme for recorder by Jacob van Eyck (c. 1590-1657) and the Toccata Prima for harpsichord by Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643), as well as their counterparts with live electronics by Paul Pankert.


  • Paul Pankert (*1965) Pavane (recorder & live electronics).
  • John Dowland (1553 – 1626): Flow my tears (soprano, harpsichord)
  • Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583 – 1643): Il secondo libro di Toccate: Toccata Prima (harpsichord)

Els Crommen, soprano
Claire Lecoq, harpsichord
Tomma Wessel, recorder
Hans Kockelmans, Univox

Centre Henri Pousseur, live electronics

29 October 2021 @20.00: Cellebroederskapel, Cellebroedersgang 4, Maastricht Tickets

03 March 2022 @12.30: Salle académique de l’Université de Liège Infos

24 March 2022 @20.00: Abdijsite Herkenrode, Herkenrodeabdij 4, B 3511 Hasselt

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